Monday 7 March 2011

I'm back

It was fun spending two weeks in Slovenia but I missed sewing a lot so I am looking forward to having some time to sort through all the new supplies I bought (plus I had a lovely package waiting for me with some amazing ribbons I had ordered just before I left).
I also brought with me boxes of yummy comfort food that I can't find here in France but reminds me of home. Like pumpkin seed oil, pickled cucumbres (I find french ones too sour), wind dried prosciutto or pršut as we call it on the Slovenian side of Karst and some special grains and other little things I use in my everyday cooking.

But first the house needs to be tidied, fridge restocked and children need to resume their daily routine (which gets challenged each time we are on vacation :).
I will have something new to show you by the end of this week - I was thinking of a smaller version of Luna messenger, everyday satchel for those who prefer a smaller cross body bag...

See you soon!


  1. Jupi, se že veselim novih izdelkov :) Kok smo hecni.. ti od tu nosiš sabo domačo hrano, "sladkorčke".. moj pa že komaj čaka, da gremo na dopust na Korziko, ker imajo tam ene posebne piškote, ki jih za zajtrk namakaš v mleko :)))

  2. I am glad you had a nice vacation and got your batteries loaded! Have fun starting anew Damjana!

  3. Welcome back Damjana! I know how you feel about wanting to sew again. I was away from sewing an entire week and just returned to my studio yesterday.
    All the goodies you bought home from your trip sound so wonderful. mmm pickled cucumbers. I never tried pumpkin seed oil. I wonder if you cook with it or use it with salads etc.
    Really look forward to seeing what your creative mind will create very soon.


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